Washinkai at in International Multi-style Championship Madrid

On the 1st of April 2021 Washinkai España took part at the annual international multi-style championship in Madrid.

After a 4 hour and 30 minute drive, at 18:20 Alex Sanchez Brown belt 3rd Kyu, walked out onto the tatami to represent Washinkai España for the second year running, shortly followed by Sensei Geovanny Sánchez Salazar 4th Dan and President of our club. Both participants showed excellent technical skill, speed and power. Disqualified over a minor technicality due to slight differences in style, both Geovanny and Alex came back with tales of the amazing time they had during their stay in Madrid and seem now more eager than ever to get back out there and compete. The event was streamed over you-tube and is still available to watch on the link provided. Next year we hope to see many more participants from Washinkai España at the next event!