Important changes to ID rules for karate registration for Spanish clubs.

fkcv125logoAt a meeting of the Club de karate Washinkai España Executive and Trainers that took place on Wednesday 30th November 2016, Club President Sensei Geovanny Sanchez 4th Dan, announced that the Valencia Governing Body FKCV will only accept NIE as identification for registration and insurance for new registrations. Students of the club will no longer be able to use Passports, The Family book or ID Card to obtain FKCV registration and insurance.

In the event that students do not have an NIE they will not be registered with the Federation and their future grades will not be credited towards the minimum requirements for a Dan Grade or Black Belt recognition under FKCV rules. Under the current rules, there has to be a minimum of four consecutive years accreditation stickers in the black licence book or five if the years are not consecutive, in order to take a Dan Grade exam that will be recognised by the Valencia governing body. Dan Grade exams only take place twice a year in Spain.

The Club de Karate Washinkai executive will be offering independent private insurance through MAPFRE, but will not be able to register gradings with the FKCV. Students without an NIE and who do not take up the private insurance option will unfortunately not be able take part or continue in the club’s karate training.

The club have appealed many times against this ruling, as not all students especially those from outside of Spain hold an NIE certificate. However, the FKCV’s position remains entrenched. Washinkai Karate in Spain is taught in a number of government managed public buildings and therefore the club has no option but to adhere to the requirements set out by the FKCV.