Great work Sensei José Abad

Washinkai España would like to extended our warmest appreciation and thanks to Sensei José Abad who gave a course together with a presentation about the charity Tushirikiane in Kenya.  Also assisting were Senior Instructors Sensei José Vicente Torregrosa, Antonio Miguel Verdu and Txentxo Muñoz.  Students that were unable to attend, missed an opportunity to learn

End OF Course Presentation

On Saturday 8th of June Washinkai Karate España held their end of year presentation in the Polideportivo Javea. A record 120 students attended.  The event began with a short presentation of kihon and then team kata. Afterwards Sensei Geovanny Sánchez and Sensei Sarah Lakin presented the students that had graded with their belts, licences, all

Spring Gasshuku 2016 Review and new Black Belts

May has been a busy month for CD Washinkai España who celebrated new black belts for students Charlie MacWhinnie and Harry Gillies Ripoll by Chief Instructor and founder of Washinkai Karate 8th Dan Shihan Christopher Thompson. The Dan gradings awarded to Washinkai Students are recognised by the BTKA (British Traditional Karate Association,) The JKF (Japanese

Spring Gasshuku 2015 Press Release

Last weekend over thirty students from the Washinkai España karate club participated in a two day course with Shihan Chris Thompon, 8th Dan, founder and chief instructor for Washinkai Karate. The Gasshuku focused on all aspects of Washinkai Karate techniques. The training sessions kicked off on Friday morning with a special class for the black